Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Go Ahead!

Today I had my post op appointment with my OB GYN Dr. Billings. Before I left Chicago Dr. Haney told me to make an appointment with Dr. Billings 2-3 weeks post surgery to make sure everything was healing properly. Well today was the day and everything looked good! Dr. Billings was so nice and so sincere and I just felt so comfortable with him. He answered all my questions that I had, which was quite a few. Most of my questions had to do with getting pregnant and what I should be doing or not doing before I get pregnant, I want to cover all my bases. All I had to do was get a Tdap vaccine (I think that is what it was) and all I know is that my arm is really sore! So as of now I am free to start trying to conceive! Well not now, Seth doesn't get home until Saturday! We still have to talk and make sure we are both ready to start this new journey, but at least I have been given a clean bill of health and have been told that I am doing everything right. Now I just have to try and not let my anxiety get the best of me, try and enjoy the rest of the summer and also look forward to mine and Seth's trip to Hawaii in Sept. Actually before I do any of that I will be looking forward to my hunny coming home!! Only 4 more days and he is home, I can't wait it's so strange without him!


  1. I am so happy to hear this news what a relief and joy! I know you will have special, fun times ahead in your marriage :) Praying for God perfect timing in conception and your joy and peace of mind.

  2. Hi--I just had to say...I'm a paranormal romance writer, plotting and writing a book about angels. Today was a normal day, writing, researching, etc...but then I got to a scene where I needed a visual. (It was the first flying scene between my hero and heroine. He's an angel, she's human.) I googled "How to fly with an angel" and clicked "images". The picture of you with your beautiful baby girl popped up. I could have gone back to writing. I could have closed the window. (I've done it a thousand times on other blogs that I've inadvertenly run into.) But this time, I didn't. I sat here, reading your entire blog, crying my eyes out. I want to let you know that she has not only graced your family's life, but now, because of you sharing your tear-jerking (and touching) story, she's touched mine. You have an angel with you, no doubt. Thank you for pouring your heart out, for being so candid, for sharing the memory of her, and for allowing my heart to break with you. Hold tight to faith...you'll meet your little one again.
    Kristin Miller
