Sunday, June 3, 2012


It was even a double rainbow!

The rainbow on the way home, it was so big Seth couldn't get the
whole thing in the pic!

Finally Wednesday May 30th had arrived. Almost 4 months after I scheduled the surgery the day was here. We got to the hospital about an hour early, Seth was worried about traffic, and of course we drove right there without any problems! I finally got called back to the pre op area about 10 am, and the nerves really set in, plus Seth couldn't come with me so I didn't like that either. Pre op was pretty standard, except this time when asked about my surgery history I had a lot more of a history then ever before. After telling the nurses and med students my history and seeing the saddness in their eyes I started crying. I had to apoligize and of course they understood. It is women like me that they deal with everyday, except most of the women that get this surgery have lost multiple babies, not one. At one point I was telling one of Dr. Haney's med students about Amelia, while getting my IV in and I started crying and I usually don't cry anymore so I am not sure if it was the pain from the IV or just the emotions of the day coming out! Finally Seth was able to come in and Dr. Haney came in, and we met him for the first time, and he was great, I felt complete trust in him! He explain the surgery and the recovery and then Seth headed to the waiting room and I walked myself into the operating room. I had never done that before so that was new, but oh well! I remember getting the oxygen mask put on and being told I was going to be given something to relax me, well that's the last thing I remember until I woke up in recover and feeling like I had been cut in half. It is amazing how you forget how much something hurts after a period of time. I mean I had a c-section with Aiden and I remember thinking this is not so bad, well I must be a big weiny these days because holy crap it hurt! Once the drugs kicked in though, it was all good! I have a very spotty memory of the rest of Wednesday, I know I talked to my mom a couple times, but I only remember a little bit of our second conversation. The next morning I tried eating and that did not go well, I just stuck to crackers and water! Dr. Haney came in about 11:30 to check on me and gave us the go ahead to leave. Seemed weird that in less then 24 hours you have major abdominal surgery and then you go home, but I was ready to leave. Of course we left the hospital and the whole trip we never encountered a second of traffic, well we got our taste of it on our way back to Elgin to get to our hotel. A 40 minute trip turned into 2 1/2 hours, I was miserable. I wanted to cry, but I knew that wasn't going to help and Seth felt awful already so I just sucked it up. We made it to our hotel and my meds were all messed up, I was behind and I was in some serious pain. Seth was incredible and took such good care of me, I am so grateful that he was there! The next day it was game on, Bismarck was our destination, another 13 hours in the car. I felt good right away and then I was hit by pain and the urge to throw up, luckily I fell asleep shortly after that and slept through the traffic AGAIN! After I woke up we were half way through Wisconsin! The rest of the trip was pretty good, just long. What was awesome was when we were about 20 minutes outside of Bismarck I looked in my mirror and I could see a rainbow. I had Seth stop and take pictures for me since I couldn't turn around or get out of the car very easily. It was the first rainbow I have seen since Amelia passed away. I thought it perfect timing to see that. With everything we have been through, we are finally seeing some light at the end of the tunnel. We know now that we will get our rainbow baby someday and we will get to keep him or her. Some people may think I am crazy but I really feel like Amelia made sure I would see a rainbow to let me know I made the right decision and that she is still with us. We got to Seth's parents house about 9 pm and I went straight to bed. While laying in bed and thinking about how bad my stomach hurt, I came to a realization. My stomach hurts so I take a pain killer and the pain goes away, my heart has been aching for 5 months and there is no pain killer for that. If I can tolerate the ache in my heart I can tolerate my stomach. This surgery and the pain that goes along with it are so worth it, and I would do it again tomorrow! So anyway, the next morning, Saturday we got up and headed to Hazen to pick up Aiden and Bronx from my parents, they picked him up on Wednesday from Seth's parents house. They had to share him! The weather was great so we hung out at the lake for the day and I relaxed in a chair and Seth, Aiden and my Dad went on a boat ride while my mom and aunt and I stayed at the camper. I didn't think a bumpy boat ride would feel very good! We got home later then we expected, but we made it! The bad part was as soon as we got home Seth turned into a crazy man, because he had to get all the laundry done, lawn mowed, groceries bought, and everything put away because he had to fly to Houston today, well actually at 5:30 am! He will be gone for 20 days in Houston for work and it totally sucks with him being gone, but I will manage. It will be worth it in the end, because this is a really great opportunity for him! Aiden was put in charge of the house while Seth is away so he is taking good care of me! So now it's just me and my Aiden and of course Bronx too, who I think is broken, he has only been up 2 times all day! The lake takes it right out of him! These next 20 days will be long, but hopefully will go fast! So as I sit here thinking about this past week, I feel different then I did a week ago. I feel hopeful about the future, because I know there are good things to come for us. I don't know what they are, but I do know it's good! This is all thanks to Amelia, because without her keeping me strong I would have given up. I wish more then anything that I could have had this surgery before so she didn't have to die, and that hurts but she is making sure I don't have to lose another baby again. I feel like having this surgery has closed this chapter, I will obviously never forget this past one and I don't want to. I just feel that I owe it to Amelia to move forward in the most positive way I can and make her proud of me. I refuse to give up on my future, even though it is not the future I imagined. Amelia will forever be a part of our family and will forever be our 2nd child, our baby girl, so she will be in all future chapters of my life and I can finally say that I am excited about these next chapters, finally!


  1. Oh my gosh awesome!!! The rainbow just does it!!! I have so many questions for you!!! The doctor just called me to say my surgery will be this Thursday and I am a whole heap of nervous!! How are you feeling? Just like a c-section? Do you seem to be getting around better now? Did the risks scare the crap out of you because they are me...probably because I am not going to Dr. Haney and haven't met or talked to the actual doctor that would be doing mine (although I hear he is really good and the only one to do them at UofM). I just want to make sure I can still have kids when this is done but of course they scare you with all the risks. Ahhh so excited to in a way. I was to have Analyn this week so I think it is a sign from her that this is what I need to do. So instead of having my baby this week via c-section I will be having a c-section (sorta) to grow a baby someday and keep a baby until it is good and ready to be born. Who knows maybe we will be preggers together and get to share in that journey as well. :)

  2. Yay this Thursday!! I was nervous too and had a bunch of emotions before the surgery, but I knew this was what I needed to do if I want to have more babies. Today is the first day that I have felt good, I am still sore, but not terrible. The pain was very similiar to a c-section, but the recovery is WAY faster, thank goodness! Coughing, blowing my nose, and sneezing are awful but it goes with the territory! Dr. Haney told me that my recovery would be about 10 days to 2 weeks and I feel like it will be closer to the 10 days just by how good I feel today and it has only been 5 days. The hardest part for me has been takin it easy these past 2 days! I am not one to lay on the couch for very long before I get super bored. Yesterday I promised my hubs that I wouldn't do anything and I didn't and I felt like the day drug on FOREVER, so today I have been up a lot more and feel good! I think it helps that I am in good shape physically so my recovery is going smoothly. I know you will do great also! The risks scared me to death, but the idea of never having another baby scared me more. I felt that by having this surgery I know in my heart that I have done everything in my power to protect any future babies. The risks of getting pregnant and not having TAC surgery scared me even more, so I just have to leave it in Gods hands from here on out! I am sure your doctor will be great, I know there are only a handful in the US that do this surgery so these surgeon have to all be great! I was never a superstitious person before Amelia's death, but I totally am now, and I completely believe that you having the surgery this week is a sign from all your babies that you are making the right choice. As hard as it is, I truely feel that this is our best option to have a full term baby that we will get to bring home! I know she will be with you through this, just like Amelia was with me! We plan to start trying in September, we are going to Hawaii for a friends wedding the end of September and the hubs refuses to let be pregnant and travel! He has become very protective! So yes I hope we are pregnant at the same time, that would be amazing! If you have any other questions please do not hesitate to ask! I will be thinking about you and praying for you on Thursday! I promise you will not regret this decision, I hope having this surgery bring you the peace that it has brought me! Yay I am so excited and happy for you!!

    1. I am alive! Lol!!! It went well and feeling better today than yesterday. How are you doing? How has it been with hubby being away hopefully ok? Thinking of you. :)

    2. Tina I am so happy that everything went well! I got this message but I was out camping so I couldn't respond until now! I thought about you on Thursday and was wondering how everything went. I feel almost 100% now, only 12 days post surgery so that's not so bad! Started back running today so that was interesting, I was worried something was going to fall out, but after about 5 minutes and nothing I figured I was good to go!! I am sure you are feeling pretty good by now! Kinda stinks with the hubs being gone, I forget how much I love having him around, although my house is staying way cleaner! Keep me posted on how your recovering is going! If you want to email me feel free,

  3. Oh my goodness I am so HAPPY for you!!!! What a blessing to get the surgery and then that RAINBOW :) :) :) WONDERFUL happy post my friend praying for you!
