Sunday, June 3, 2012

5 Months

So I haven't blogged in a very long time, or at least if feels that way. The 5 month milestone didn't seem as hard this past month as other months, and I imagine that is because I was busy getting ready to leave for Chicago.  Pretty sure I spent the day doing laundry and packing! Not that I didn't remember to stop to think about the day Amelia was born, but that is an everyday thing, not just on a milestone day. It just seems like everytime I look at the calendar the 24th of the month is right around the corner, I mean in 21 days it will be 6 months which just feels crazy to me. I feel like I have a lot to say, because a lot has happened in the past 1 or so, but I am going to break it down into a couple post so this one doesn't get so long and boring! Well honestly that is about all I have about the 5 month milestone, I mean I could go on and on about how much I miss Amelia, but that goes without being said. I will end it here and get on to the other exciting and also kinda scary stuff that Amelia helped me get through this past week!

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