Thursday, October 24, 2013

Time for a little update!

Well it has been FOREVER since I have blogged. I have been wanting to for awhile, but I just haven't had time! So I guess I have a lot to write about, it's only been almost 8 months and we've had some pretty huge changes around here! The last time I blogged I was 34 weeks pregnant and very anxious to meet our little man! Well the story of his birth is pretty crazy and eventful, just like our life now! On April 1st I had a doctor appointment with my OB, it was my last one before my scheduled C-section the next Monday. Aiden didn't have school because it was the Monday after Easter so he went with Seth to track practice and I had lunch with my friend Ericka. After lunch I went to my appt. The nurse took my BP and to me it seemed high, but what do I know?! My dr came in and checked babies heartbeat and said everything was good! Before I left I asked my dr. about my BP, he must have felt it was high because he rechecked it. It was still high so he had me lay down and rest for a bit. He came back and rechecked it again and it had gone down, I sat up and he checked it and it went back up. At that point he said that I needed to go to the hospital and be observed and that baby just might be coming that night! I was of course excited, but when I called Seth I suddenly got really emotional and scared and I started crying. The last time a dr told me to go to the hospital I went and left without my baby. I had to get some blood work done before I went to the hospital and by the time I was done Seth and Aiden met me at the clinic and drove me to the hospital. We got checked into labor and delivery and all hooked up to the monitors. We got to sit and listen to baby's heartbeat, it made me feel much better knowing he was ok, we were both ok! My BP stayed high so the nurse called my dr and he scheduled my C-section for that night at 7pm. Let me remind you it was April Fool's day so when I called my mom to tell her that she needed to get to Minot within the next 2 hours she thought I was joking! I reassured her that I wouldn't joke about this and that it was go time! Seth ran home to finish up packing my hospital bag and drop Aiden off at a friends house until my parents got to town. Seth got back to the hospital just as they were wheeling me down to the delivery room. Once I got into the delivery room everything moved pretty fast. Harrison Seth Hoff entered the world at 6:45pm weigh 10lb 9oz and 22 1/4 in. He was a perfect big bundle!! We were all very surprised by his size, he was 2 weeks early and I shutter to think how big he would have been if he would have been full term! We stayed in the hospital until Wednesday and then we decided it was time to take Harrison home. This is when reality really set in!!